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Interview with Nicole Patrice Thomas

What genres do you write in?

YA Christian Fantasy and Picture Books


When did you start writing? What kickstarted this?

I’ve been writing poetry since middle school, helped me process BIG feelings. Took a few courses in college but didn’t pursue writing as a career. My parents didn’t think it was a career that could support me.

What's in your writing space?

Nothing specific, I write wherever I am. I use my notes app and Google docs on my phone. In college I remember being on the train and writing on receipts when inspiration struck me. The world is my writing space! At home, it’s the same. With two kids, I write whenever I can.


What is something about you that makes you different?

I’m not a huge romance fan! I roll my eyes when friends talk about the new hallmark movie coming out lol


Got a routine? How would you describe it?

Wake up, get my oldest up for school, get us both ready, get the youngest up and rush out the door. Listen to Sirius radio classics or Kirk Franklin gospel or an audiobook on my way to work for a few hours with the toddler and then back to pick the oldest from school, hw dinner showers bed and repeat. Throw in a few grocery store runs, last minute “I have A project due tomorrow sorry” runs and church on Sundays and that’s my life for the last two years or so. It was different before the divorce, life has changed for us.


Any writing pet peeves?

Interruptions! When I have It flowing PLEASE leave me alone! When I wrote my series I could Sit for hours and it just came out. It was exciting and wonderful.


Name the titles you've published. What's the most recent? Do you have a new release coming soon?

Tales of Elhaanai

Tales of Elhaanai : The Prophecy

Tales of Elhaanai: Wages of War

Tales of Elhaanai: The Trilogy (special edition)

The Flower Girl/La Niña De Las Flores

Color with Grace

Facets of a Poetic Soul

Oasis:Journal for the Soul

*Currently working an illustrator for a Children’s Devotional that should be released by the end of the year.


For your new release...What are 5 reasons someone should read this book.

As a Christian parent I know what it means to want to invest in your kids, to want to instill good values morals and faith in them. To present the faith in a way they can understand and grow with. Using the alphabet I select Scriptures that aren’t often used for children and broke it down to their level. It’s a step towards them understanding more of the Bible for themselves.


Your favorite book. Why is it your favorite?

My favorite book changes depend on my life, right now I have several! Goodbyes and Good Boundaries by Lysa Turquest because it changed the way I saw relationships and helped me process my marriage ending. The entire Josie Quinn series by Lisa Regan because she’s a strong woman kicking butt and taking names. Murtagh by Christopher Paolini because it reminds me of my own writing style, visual and somewhat poetic. The what love series by Catherine Brusk becomes it deals with real life situations in a refreshing way. And lastly The Duchess series by Cara Devlin and all of Charli Wests’ books because it reminds me love is still possible even when bad things happen.


Who is your favorite author. Did this author inspire any of your writings?

All of the above mentioned authors for sure, but not one specifically. I write from my heart.


You are in a room filled with aspiring writers. What would you tell them before they write their first book.

Know their WHY. If you are writing for other people or yourself. Everyone won’t like what you have to say or how you say it, if you try to cater to everyone else you will lose the love you have for the craft. Stay true to your WHY.


Your ideal audience. Who is she/he?

Parents looking for conversation starters with their kids about obedience, consequences and what to do if they get lost. (The Flower Girl set) and YA readers for the other series. Clean reading that doesn’t skimp on the magic and adventure.


Do you have a newsletter or website? Share it here. What can someone expect from your newsletter?

No, wish I did but I don’t have the time. Website:


Is there anything you would like added to the interview?

Feel free to follow me on IG and check out my website,

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