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I know an author that may enjoy this site, may I add them?

We would prefer each author join us themselves. If you know of someone who would like to take part with BookTour, please let them know about us. Share the link to the site and let them know we except ALL Indie Authors, any genre. The form to fill out is on the homepage for easy access. It is toward the bottom of the page here. ***PAs may act for the author they are working for, but we do ask that the author is informed they are being added.

I want to join, but I don't see my Genre.

If you don't see your genre, that's okay--we can have a new page added. But if your story is a Romance, you don't need a Paranormal Romance page added, we will add your book to Romance and Paranormal. But there are pages we haven't created yet so if you have a self-help book or another genre that doesn't fit into any genres already here, please add them when filling out the form and we will have a page for that genre created. You may also email us to inform us of the missing genre. The more pages we add, the slower the website can become, so we can't add all genres, but we will try to add those we are missing. Thank you!

I love this idea, how do I join? Can I add the books myself?

At this time, Amber is the only person who can add books to the site. If you fill out the form on the homepage, Amber will be notified and she will add your book or anything new you want added. It's the same form for new authors or authors already on the site. Fill everything out as much as you can and Amber will do the rest. We accept all Indie Authors. Any author who is added to the site will also be included in our newsletter on a rotation. If you want to be included sooner, please let us know.

I'm not an Indie Author, Can I still join?

Yes! Only authors who have been published from smaller publishing houses and Indie Authors, from any country are accepted. The reason we went outside of the box is because most publishing houses do not market for newer authors. Authors like Stephen King don't need our help, so authors who already have a big following will be rejected. This site is to help the "little people".

Is there a cost to join BookTour?

Nope. We don't even have a donation button. This site is free. The only thing we ask is that you share the link for the website. That simple.

Other places require that I have a website. Do I need one here too?

No. We know how expensive it can get being an Indie Author. If you don't have an author website, we're not going to punish you. Fill out the form and just leave that blank. If you don't want to share any social links, you don't have to. It isn't required. The only requirement is that you're published, one way or the other. But if you get one later on, you may inform us and we'll get it added.

If I fill out the form, what do I need to share?

When you fill out the form, we need some information. Your pen name is a must. We also ask for genres (include all of them if you can). You do need one Amazon link for any of your books. If you have more than one book, that's fine. Amber will find them all from that one link. It also helps if you include this is the first time filling out the form or if you're already on the site. Anything else is your choice, but it does help Amber if you include everything you want on the site. The only thing you can't include is a picture--that must be emailed (or Amber can use the Amazon bio pic, or one used on your website).

My book isn't on Amazon. How will it be included?

If your book isn't on Amazon, don't panic. You can still have it included. Type in the link where the book can be purchased, even if it's on your website. Amber will link the book to that purchase page. If you have more than one and it isn't easy to access without a link, email Amber to share all the links for each book. Only one link will be used for each book. Amber's email is

How often do I need to share the link for BookTour?

That's really up to you. If you have a newsletter (not a requirement), it would benefit the site and all the authors on the site, if you could mention the site once every few months. On social networks like Facebook or Instagram--an occasional mention would be great. If you do have a website, one link that can be seen would be awesome. It's up to you. Please, do share the link more than once. If every author only shared it one time, we'd get lost in the shuffle, so try to share the link occasionally. This is the only method of spreading the news about the site and the authors in it.

How do I share the Link for BookTour?

We have a picture on the "About" page that you are welcome to use if you'd like. It isn't linked, so you'll have to do that part. You will have to get a screen shot of that image, or you can go to the Files page and download the image there. You must be a member (free signup) to see images on the Files page. You may choose to use your own picture as well.


You can also simply share the link in various places--any social network, your website, your newsletter, word of mouth, blog, etc. You do not have to use the picture or any picture. Your choice.

Does this site offer free-to-read books?

Only if the author has uploaded the book on the File Sharing page. You must join BookTour to view this page or add a file. Any books that require the readers to be 18 or older may not be added to the file share page. You must have legal rights to share the book (as in, be the author). If an author shares a book on the page, please be considerate and leave a review for the book. Authors also may ask Amber to include a link to their website if they offer free books (these links will be included in their sections or on the Resource page).


BookTour itself does not offer any free books to read.

How do I become a member of BookTour?

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Anyone can become a member if they have an active email account. The sign-up button is at the top of any given page next to our name. Click on that and fill out the form provided. You sign in using the same button. Everyone is welcome to post on the forums' page. Please follow all rules while on this site. If you share a file make sure you have legal usage to share it. 

Can anyone use the chat box?

Yes. In fact, we encourage it. Sign up to be a member and chat with anyone who is online. Those who have an account with us will be listed. Amber included. If someone isn't online, they will see the message when they are.

I have an idea for the site. Can I share it?

Ideas are always welcome. If you have an idea to improve the site or would like to have something added, please email Amber at and share the idea with her. If it is doable, she will include it on the site.

I have a new book coming out but I don't want to join BookTour. Can I still have it in your newsletter?

Of course! We understand you don't want to be included on our site. We are not going to punish you by not allowing the other benefits of the site's resources. The invitation is always open if you change your mind. Meanwhile, if you have some news or a new book being released, we'd be happy to include it in one of our upcoming newsletters. It always goes out on the 5th. Give us the information you want shared and the date you'd like to see it appear. We'd be happy to include your special announcement at no cost. Email us.

If I Follow your Facebook Page, can I promote my book on the page?

Our Facebook Page is open to all book lovers. Right now, it is running slow so be sure to spread the word about it whenever you can. You can use this space to promote any of your books and spark a conversation. If your book is adult natured, please add that to the post. Show readers that it is an 18+ book. All other books, don't need to show an age. Other than that, you can share anything book related on our page. It's a community page for writers and readers. Enjoy!

My book's information was changed, what do I need to do?

If anything with your book has changed (cover, link, etc), please notify us either by filling out the form on the homepage or emailing us, and we will make the changes on all areas where the book is located.

Can I have an advertisement added to the homepage?

Yes! Send Amber the details through email at and the ad will be included on the homepage. If you want a picture included, send it with the email. If you don't have a picture, but want to use one, please let Amber know--she can create one for you. New advertisements will also be shared in the newsletter automatically so if it isn't time-friendly, please email Amber as soon as possible. Newsletters only go out on the 5th, so the first newsletter after you sent the email will be the issue it will be in.

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