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About Us

At BookTour, we are a community of Indie Authors who strive to bring you on a journey through the power of storytelling. With over 154 authors, we offer a diverse range of fiction and nonfiction books in multiple genres. Whether you want to immerse yourself in a fictional world with your favorite beverage or discover a true story, we have the book for you. Our authors are passionate about their craft and bring unique perspectives to the table. We believe that reading is a powerful tool that can transport you to different worlds, and we want to share that experience with you. Join us on our journey to explore the limitless possibilities of storytelling.

How to Get Added

First of all, this is a FREE website for Indie Authors and Readers. There is no fee to sign up and be part of this site. Having said this, we do ask that ALL authors who join us spread the word about BookTour. There are numbers of ways you can do this...


  • Social Media

  • Newsletters

  • Your Author Website

  • Word of Mouth

If you would like to join us and have your books added to BookTour, fill out the form on the homepage. We will be notified of your request and will get you added as soon as we can. All of your books will be included in your section for each genre you write under. We may not be able to upload all of your genres due to space, but we will do our best to add new genres not included. Once we are finished, we will send you an email to the address you provided to let you know you've been added. At this time, you can send us a picture or logo you want used. Otherwise, we'll provide a basic picture. We can also use the picture you have on Amazon. When uploading your information, we will use your Amazon or Website photo to get it started. Once you send us the pic you want used, we will update it then.


Once you are added, it is your responsibility to inform us of any new releases or changes to your information. You can use the same form to notify us or you can send us an email at


You can use this IG picture for your post or create your own. Thank you! You can find a downloadable version on the Files page. You must be a member of BookTour to see it. Saving the picture here, can only be saved as a webfile, so please go the files page to get it as a png. Or take a screen shot.


For any other questions, go to the FAQ page.

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The Founder of BookTour

Amber Grosjean founded BookTour with the hope of helping other Indie Authors like herself. When she began writing, she didn't understand the Writing World and how hard it would be to put a book in someone's hand. She learned through trial and error, just like any other author. She was even published through the traditional means, learning a lot from the editors and publishers. Amber decided to take the route of Indie Publishing to gain control over the prices of her books, how the books were designed, and more. She never regretted her decision but learned it would be a bigger challenge to gain readers. Why? She was unheard of in a world of big-name authors competing for the light.


Authors shouldn't have to compete with each other to gain your attention. We should be writing, creating worlds you can become lost in. Another author approached Amber with the idea of creating a blog that would help other authors. Amber took it a step further by creating this website. Instead of charging authors to be placed on the site, she decided that everyone included would simply share the link for the site, giving everyone on the site an opportunity to be seen by readers across the world. Hence the name.

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