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New Adult +

All authors on this page, write New Adult, but they may also write in other genres as well. Choose the book you like based on the cover and/or Author information provided under each author's name.
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Meagan Poetschlag
As a lover of reading all things fantasy, one day Meagan decided that the stories she wanted to read most were not available yet. So that spark of creativity was born. Her favorite tales to write include magic, dragons, shapeshifters, and love with strong family and friend bonds. She is currently working on the Dragons of Angoleth series and her werewolf novel Wolf's Blood is available at most online retailers.
Meagan Poetschlag
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Dana Patrola
I'm passionate about Romance. I write about real people with real struggles, temptations, and desires. My characters often have difficult choices to make - and don't always make the right ones. My stories are not what you expect, and everything you want. Connect to sign up for newsletters to receive news on new releases and updates. ​ *Important: Please keep in mind that Reviews are so important to authors :)
Dana Patrola
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Helen Garraway
Helen Garraway is the USA Today Bestselling author of the award-winning epic fantasy Sentinal series which was first published in 2020, followed by the first book of the fantasy romance SoulMist series, SoulBreather, released in 2022 as part of the Realm of Darkness boxset. An avid reader of many different fiction genres, a love she inherited from her mother, Helen writes fantasy novels and also enjoys paper crafting and scrapbooking as an escape from the pressure of the day job. Having graduated from the University of Southampton with a Degree in Politics and International Relations, she remains an active member of their alumni. And Helen a Patreon, if readers are interested in extra fun downloads, deleted scenes, early sneak peeks at the first two chapters, or getting my books early, then choose whether you are Team Arifel, Team Darian or Team Sentinal! Pledge here: You can find out more at Helen Garraway is the USA Today Bestselling author of the award-winning epic fantasy Sentinal series which was first published in 2020, followed by the first book of the fantasy romance SoulMist series, SoulBreather, released in 2022 as part of the Realm of Darkness boxset. An avid reader of many different fiction genres, a love she inherited from her mother, Helen writes fantasy novels and also enjoys paper crafting and scrapbooking as an escape from the pressure of the day job. Having graduated from the University of Southampton with a Degree in Politics and International Relations, she remains an active member of their alumni. And Helen a Patreon, if readers are interested in extra fun downloads, deleted scenes, early sneak peeks at the first two chapters, or getting my books early, then choose whether you are Team Arifel, Team Darian or Team Sentinal! Pledge here: You can find out more at ​ ​ ***Sentinals Banished is on preorder at $2.99 until launch day 23rd Feb 2023 (will go up to $5.99) Book Signing at the Book Dragon Independent Book store in Stockton in Tees in the UK on March 18th, 2023 (11am-1pm). Live reading of a chapter from SoulBreather on my YouTube channel: Sentinals Across Time is a Semi finalist for the 2022 Chanticleer International Book Award (CIBA) for OZMA Fantasy. SoulBreather achieved a Readers' Favorite Five Star review (As has Sentinals Rising and Sentinals Justice!)

Sentinals Stirring Ebook is free if you join her mailer

Helen Garraway
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Nicole Mullaney
I have a love for romance, my books are hallmark style romance reads, with many of them also movies released the same day as the book. Besides writing, I work as a script advisor and supervisor in TV and film, but I’m always helping with the story. When I’m not working I’m enjoying time with my husband and two kids on Long Island in NY and hope to do a lot more traveling some day.
Nicole Mullaney
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Shannon O'Conner
Shannon O’Connor is a twenty-something, bisexual, self-published poet of several books and counting. She released her first novel, Electric Love in 2021 and is currently working on several sapphic romance novels. She believes there is a lack of positive Female/Female romances in the world and wants to make them more accessible. She is often found in coffee shops, probably writing about someone she shouldn't be
Shannon O Conner
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M. Leigh Morhaime
M Leigh Morhaime is an East Coast Native finding her home in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two cats. She’s been writing since she was a child, dreaming of the day she could publish one of her countless stories. That dream came true in November 2020 and keeps going. While she is in chaos, her stories revolve around the heroine and their battles to heal and love. Full time, she finds people homes and kills their spiders. AKA, she’s in property management.
M Leigh Morhaime
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P.K. Morrison
P.K. Morrison has had a love of writing since she was a child growing up in the rural Midwest, penning stories in colorful notebooks. Her passion for writing grew with her, but her tolerance of cold northern winters did not, so she relocated to a small Florida town, where she currently resides with her husband, their two children, and a motley crew of pets. The world around her is what inspires her, and coffee is what keeps her going. When she isn't writing, P.K. enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, going to the beach, and her longtime career of working with animals.
PK Morrison
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J.M. Samland
Author Jamie M. Samland is a mathematician by training, a web application developer by profession, and a martial artist and writer by passion. He lives in Michigan with his husband and their cats.
JM Samland
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Louise Murchie
Louise lives in the Midlands with her husband and children. Scottish born and bred alas, she doesn't live in Scotland anymore. Her heart though always will be in the mist-covered mountains.
Louise Murchie
Janet Olson
Janet lives in St. Paul, Minnesota with her artist husband, charismatic son, and three neurotic cats. Janet is a lifelong fan of reading and writing stories. New Beginnings may be her debut novel, but she has several projects in the works. Unlike some of her characters, she has never been to Africa, although she does dream of going one day.
Janet Olson
Brandi Schonberg
Brandi is a self-proclaimed escapist who is passionate about writing characters that people can identify with on a personal level. Applying her own experiences to her writing, she uses her stories to navigate what it means to be a human - flaws and all. Her bedside table is typically piled high with epic fantasies and science fiction (and papers to grade, too). She binge-watches far too much Netflix and has developed a new addiction to collecting swords. She is a mother of three and a middle school science teacher who finds every possible excuse to slip away from the demands of daily life and write.
Brandi Schonberg
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S.G. Blaise
S.G. was born in a faraway land of castles, monarchies and fallen dictatorships, aka Hungary. Hollywood movies were forbidden under Soviet oppression during her childhood, but her dad smuggled them in anyway, risking his life so that his children could experience the magic and hope inherent in those stories. She watched rebellions unfold in real time. Journeyed across the Atlantic Ocean for love. She ended up in sunny California, where she is living her dream — writing stories and annoying family members.
SG Blaise
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Kelly Swan Taylor
Kelly Swan Taylor is the author of the popular young adult novel The Winning Ingredient and the sleuthy middle grade mystery series The Wright Detective. When she’s not concocting unique recipes in her kitchen or hovering over her keyboard, this attorney and former laboratory scientist spends her time as a competitive runner. With experience racing from sun-drenched Hawaii to frigid Iceland, her first publishing credit was in Simon & Schuster’s best-selling book series, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Running for Good, highlighting the historic 2013 and 2014 Boston Marathons. Growing up immersed in beloved “Teen” novels, Kelly now crafts her own sweet stories that bridge the gap between middle grade and young adult fiction that is so often forgotten but so sorely needed in the market today. In fact, she is so passionate about bridging this gap that she founded the imprint Link Press, dedicated to bringing these stories back to young readers. As a believer that there is magic in the everyday, she has a soft spot for the kind and sincere yet flawed character, who tries to do the right thing, stumbles along the way, but eventually becomes a hero in everyday life. Kelly resides in Providence, Rhode Island with her architect husband, Jonathan, and her spirit animal and trusted kitty, Otto. Her new young adult ice hockey mystery/thriller Frozen in Time releases in early fall 2023.
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