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Poetry +

All authors on this page, write Poetry, but they may also write in other genres as well. Choose the book you like based on the cover and/or Author information provided under each author's name.
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K.E. Andrews
K.E.Andrews has always been an avid reader, which sparked her passion for writing at an early age. Her love of traveling has taken her to different places around the world. When she's not writing, she tends to her plants, volunteers at church, and enjoys binge-watching shows on Netflix. She currently lives in Powder Springs, Georgia with her family and three cats.
K.E. Andrews
Laura Lyndhurst
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Laura Lyndhurst
Laura Lyndhurst was born and grew up in North London, England, before marrying and travelling with her husband in the course of his career. When settled back in the UK she became a mature student and gained Bachelor's and Master's degrees in English and Literature before training and working as a teacher. She started writing in the last few years in the peace and quiet of rural Lincolnshire, and published her debut novel, Fairytales Don’t Come True, in May 2020. This book forms the first of a trilogy, Criminal Conversation, of which the second is Degenerate, Regenerate and All That We Are Heir To the third. Innocent, Guilty, the first of another trilogy, continues the story told in these three books and leads on to The Future of Our House, which is followed by Uphill, Downhill, Over, Out as the sixth and final book to end the series. Laura also developed a taste for psychological suspense, which led to the writing and publication of You Know What You Did, to which What Else Did You Do? is the sequel. Laura has also published four small books of poems, October Poems, Thanksgiving Poems and Prose Pieces, Poet-Pourri and Social Climbing and Other Poems.
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E.B. Taylor
EB lives in Florida. She found her love of writing poetry recently during an unfortunate personal event. Poetry has been a means of therapy to work through this. She and her husband live quietly in Florida, counting down the years to full retirement.
E.B. Taylor
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Christina Robin Resnover
Born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana, Christina Resnover is a graduate of Indiana State University with a Bachelor of Science in Philosophy. Christina’s hobbies include playing video games, watching DC and Marvel movies, scouring flea markets for vintage comic books, and traveling. Her most recent trip was out of the country for the first time to London and Paris.
Christina Robin Resnover
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Shannon O'Conner
Shannon O’Connor is a twenty-something, bisexual, self-published poet of several books and counting. She released her first novel, Electric Love in 2021 and is currently working on several sapphic romance novels. She believes there is a lack of positive Female/Female romances in the world and wants to make them more accessible. She is often found in coffee shops, probably writing about someone she shouldn't be
Shannon O Conner
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Leon Stevens
Leon Stevens is a multi-genre author, composer, guitarist, songwriter, and an artist, with a Bachelor of Music and Education. He published his first book of poetry in 2020, followed by a book of original classical guitar compositions and a short story collection of science fiction/post-apocalyptic tales. His newest publications are the novella, The View from Here, a continuation of one of his short stories, which is now the first book of a trilogy, and a new collection of poetry titled, A Wonder of Words.
Leon Stevens
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M. Leigh Morhaime
M Leigh Morhaime is an East Coast Native finding her home in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two cats. She’s been writing since she was a child, dreaming of the day she could publish one of her countless stories. That dream came true in November 2020 and keeps going. While she is in chaos, her stories revolve around the heroine and their battles to heal and love. Full time, she finds people homes and kills their spiders. AKA, she’s in property management.
M Leigh Morhaime
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Serlina Rose
Dream & Entice! Dominican born, humble writer & Indie Author from the “Paradise Isle” in the Caribbean – the commonwealth of Dominica. Serlina is an avid romance reader & an aspiring romance novelist. She loves to freely express herself through writing, hoping to inspire others with her words. In 2020, Serlina became an international poetess officially through the writers community on twitter, and to date have 60+ poetry pieces officially published in various coauthored books. She's a coauthor to 20+ anthologies & a compiler of a few. Apart from writing, Serlina Rose is a small town entrepreneur & college student pursing her degree in English, hoping to later further her studies into Creative Writing. As she hopes to better her writing & complete her romance novel. Serlina resides in a peaceful & picturesque (very scenic) community called Calibishie, "nets of reefs", along the waters edge/coastline. It's the community which is protected by the only longest barrier reef on the Caribbean Island known as the Nature Island.
Serlina Rose
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