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Mystery +
All authors on this page, write Mystery, but they may also write in other genres as well. Choose the book you like based on the cover and/or Author information provided under each author's name.

Nancy Cole Silverman
Silverman's realization that she and Edgar Allen Poe shared the same birthday sparked her lifelong interest in mystery fiction. After a very successful career in the radio industry, she turned to writing, and her crime-focused novels and short stories have attracted readers throughout America. Her Carol Childs Mysteries series (Henery Press) features a single-mom whose "day job" as a reporter at a busy Los Angeles radio station often leads to long nights as a crime-solver. Silverman lives in Los Angeles with her husband and a thoroughly pampered standard poodle.
Nancy Cole Silverman
A.R. Grosjean

Amber Grosjean
Amber Grosjean has been writing since she was 11 years old. It took her 20 years to see her dream come true. Previously known as A.R. Grosjean, Amber writes in most genres including fantasy, romance, science fiction, mystery, paranormal, non-fiction, thriller, horror, children's books, and more. Explore where only the mind can reach! Amber lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana with her husband, Billy, where she enjoys visits from her three children and five grandchildren (they call her Nana). Sign up for Amber's newsletters to hear more about Amber, get the first glimpse for her covers, learn secrets about her books, and more.

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Linda Rettstatt

Linda Rettstatt
Linda Rettstatt began her writing career at the tender age of 18 while working as a classified ad clerk for her hometown newspaper. She covered the local community theater stories no one else wanted to cover, and she did so with enthusiasm, insisting upon a by line. Rettstatt’s creative nature steered her into a career as a semi-professional folk musician for a number of years. Finally, in 2002, she sat at a computer determined to find out if she could write a novel. That novel and three more were contracted by a small press. She moved from small press publishing to self-publishing in 2014 and has forty+ novels and novellas and several short stories in her bibliography. Six of her novels were finalists for the prestigious EPIC eBook Award, and two novels, Love, Sam and Ladies in Waiting, won the award in 2012 and 2016 respectively. In April of 2021, Linda retired from her social work position in NW Mississippi and relocated back to her home state of Pennsylvania where she continues to write and to offer services as an editor and writing consultant.

Dana Patrola
I'm passionate about Romance. I write about real people with real struggles, temptations, and desires. My characters often have difficult choices to make - and don't always make the right ones. My stories are not what you expect, and everything you want. Connect to sign up for newsletters to receive news on new releases and updates. *Important: Please keep in mind that Reviews are so important to authors :)
Dana Patrola

Peter Scholes
I am a primary school teacher by day and single parent to a beautiful little girl the rest of the time. Writing is an enjoyable hobby of mine when I am not planning lessons or watching my beloved Carlisle United (something else that has been denied us for much of this last 18 months in these strange time). I love to write and take myself to all sorts of weird and wonderful places. I have recently finished my second and third novels, Once Upon A Time There Was A Man and With Every Breath after releasing me 'Conscience' a few years ago. I have written a series of children's books (, plays, scripts, poems and educational resources for schools. I am self-published through Amazon and am not represented by anyone as yet but I hope it is only a matter of time before publishers and agencies beat a path to my door. I would very much like to retire early. :-)
Peter Scholes

K.L. Laettner
K.L.Laettner is a former Hamburg NY resident who currently resides in Venice, Florida. She lives in paradise with her husband Jeffery and their menagerie of four-legged fur babies, Apple, Chi, and Kit Kat. She enjoys writing, shark tooth hunting, nature, and anything remotely related to crystals, stones, and feathers. She has a blog on Wordpress of poetry with over four thousand followers.
K.L. Laettner

J.J. Grafton
JJ (Jacqui Jay) Grafton was born in the province of Ulster and spent her formative years there before following her parents to England. She left school at the age of sixteen, going back into education in her early thirties to study English and Psychology. After a long career in the world of litho print, specialising in the production of art catalogues, Jacqui returned to university to study photography. For nearly ten years, she competed internationally as a creative photographer, winning many awards and having her work published worldwide. As a natural progression, she became a judge on the British camera club circuit. In 2020, Jacqui self-published her first book at the age of seventy-seven. To date, she has written five books in a variety of genres, including domestic noir, Irish historical sagas and cosy mystery, Now an octogenarian, Jacqui lives in Nottingham with her partner of forty four years.
J.J. Grafton

T.A. Belshaw
T A Belshaw is from Derbyshire in the United Kingdom. He is the author of the well received, Amy Rowlings Golden Age mystery series, which includes Murder at the Mill and Death at the Lychgate. The third mystery, The Murder Awards will be released by SpellBound Books on November 5th 2023. Trevor is also the author of the Dual Timeline Family Saga, Unspoken. The four book series includes, Unspoken, The Legacy The Reckoning and the 2023 fourth book in the series, Betrayal. His Christmas Novel, Hopes and Fears, set in 1940 features the same characters found in both the Unspoken and Amy Rowlings series. His short stories have been published in various anthologies including 100 Stories for Haiti, 50 Stories for Pakistan, Another Haircut, Shambelurkling and Other Stories, Deck The Halls, 100 Stories for Queensland and The Cafe Lit anthology 2011, 2012 and 2013. He also has two pieces in Shambelurklers Return. 2014 His poems, My Mistake, was rated Highly Commended and published in an anthology of the best entries in the Farringdon Poetry Competition. Various articles have been published in magazines as diverse as Ireland's Own, The Best of British and First Edition. In 2021 Trevor signed a multi-book deal with Spellbound Books Ltd. He is currently working on The Medway Murders, the fourth Amy Rowlings mystery.
T.A. Belshaw

T.L. Brown
Writer Tracy Brown lives in the beautiful Finger Lakes of New York State dreaming up epic stories and quirky characters who definitely make her life much more interesting. She believes magic still exists; you just need to look in the right places. Tracy is the author of the Door to Door Paranormal Mystery Series, three books penned under the name T.L. Brown. She released the first book in the Bellerose Witchline Series, A Thin Witchline Between Love & Hate, in March 2022. Although this is a standalone adult dark fantasy series, the first installment picks up the tale following the last book in the Door to Door series, Doors Wide Open. Both series share some of Brown’s most popular characters. Tracy’s married to one damn amazing man. Together they talk about music for hours, cook up fabulous meals, and raise clever chickens.
TL Brown

Ann Payton
Sometime in the 90s, I decided I needed a dream to pursue between working and raising three children. As the science lab coordinator for a Colorado community college, I enjoyed helping revise lab manuals, so why not become a travel writer? I managed to learn enough to sell freelance articles to several major publications. Then I wrote a travel adventure novel, which led me into giving lectures on cruise ships and writing another novel. Can't wait to see where that dream's going to take me next.
Ann Payton

Kelly Swan Taylor
Kelly Swan Taylor is the author of the popular young adult novel The Winning Ingredient and the sleuthy middle grade mystery series The Wright Detective. When she’s not concocting unique recipes in her kitchen or hovering over her keyboard, this attorney and former laboratory scientist spends her time as a competitive runner. With experience racing from sun-drenched Hawaii to frigid Iceland, her first publishing credit was in Simon & Schuster’s best-selling book series, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Running for Good, highlighting the historic 2013 and 2014 Boston Marathons. Growing up immersed in beloved “Teen” novels, Kelly now crafts her own sweet stories that bridge the gap between middle grade and young adult fiction that is so often forgotten but so sorely needed in the market today. In fact, she is so passionate about bridging this gap that she founded the imprint Link Press, dedicated to bringing these stories back to young readers. As a believer that there is magic in the everyday, she has a soft spot for the kind and sincere yet flawed character, who tries to do the right thing, stumbles along the way, but eventually becomes a hero in everyday life. Kelly resides in Providence, Rhode Island with her architect husband, Jonathan, and her spirit animal and trusted kitty, Otto. Her new young adult ice hockey mystery/thriller Frozen in Time releases in early fall 2023.
Kelly Swan Taylor

Jasmine Walker
Jasmine Walker is a self-published teenage fantasy author who grew up in Flintshire, Wales. She mostly writes about found families finding magical artefacts, powerful female protagonists with a dark past, and mysteries from long ago. Alongside writing, Jasmine is studying to become an engineer and hopes to one day work in formula one or the space industry.
Jasmine Walker

Jos Saunders
Jos Saunders lives in the Loire Valley in France where she lives with her husband not far from the Chateau of Chambord. Before writing Pomegranate Tears, Jos co-wrote two other books under the pen name of A J Saunders - The Whispering Magpies which has been translated into French, and Hyde and Seek.
Jos Saunders

Mustang Patty
Mustang Patty aka Patty Adams was born in New Brunswick, NJ. Just nine days before her eighteenth birthday, she went into the US Army. She was able to tour Europe from her duty station in Germany. During her working career, she worked mostly in the Accounting field in the government and private sectors. She holds several advanced degrees in the field of business and law, as well as Creative Writing. Her first novel, 'Guilty until Proven Innocent' was published in 2018 and is the first book in the Jill Adair Series. This Trilogy has recently been added to with the publishing of 'Innocent for the Moment.' She is currently working on the third book, 'Moment by Moment,' with an anticipated release date of July 4, 2020. She lives in Oregon with her hubby, Dave, and her two doggy muses, Howie and Bernie. When she's not writing, blogging, or planning an event, she spends time with family, reads voraciously, and listening to the sounds of the eighties and nineties on Spotify.

Jonathan Ashman
Jonathan Ashman was born in 1971 and is married with four children and a deranged Springer spaniel. His first book, Double Date was first published in 2019, and the sequel, Double Date part two: Double Back is now out with more in the series to come. He lives in West Wales in the United Kingdom and can often be found driving buses, playing guitar and he has even been known to act occasionally.
Jonathan Ashman

Jack King
Born in Tennessee to a military family, Jack King grew up crisscrossing the USA. He has lived twice on the west and east coasts, and many states in between. Beginning his career in the ad agency business, he then moved into marketing and sales for Fortune 500, mid-sized, and start-up companies before writing his first novel. He is the author of the popular BLOOD Crime Thriller series, as well as a YA fantasy series and one historical fiction. He lives in North Texas with his wife and an awesome family of six dachshunds.
Jack King
Meagan Pringle
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